Monday, June 28, 2010


254 photos posted so far!  You can download full size  images for  prints.... and upload yours to share with others. 
See address below.

Well it was quite a weekend  and thanks to everyone who came. Also thanks to the one unnamed person who sent an email today (Monday) wanting to register and hoping he wasn't too late. OOPS!

"One of these things is not like the other."

Every Production Manager since Channel 8 went on the air.

Mary Brubaker & John Newell

Please keep in touch. The one thing we forgot to do is assemble an email list. My fault, sorry. We have some but please send an email ( to help start building the list.

We have a photo gallery on  To keep non-KCCI strangers from perusing the photos,  (KCCI  strangers are welcome)we're keeping it "private" so you may have to sign up but it's easy and we can control access.

you can upload your pics, and download more than 180 from others. 

If you're not a flickr member, it will just take a minute to sign up and then you can join the group.

Thank You
From the Reunion Committee

Paul Fredericksen
Anne Marie Caudron
Dave Porepp
Dave Busiek
John Pascuzzi
Kevin Cooney

Monday, April 19, 2010


Make Check out to: 


Please send the Check to 

KCCI Reunion
Att Anne Marie Caudron
888 9th
Des Moines, Ia 50309-1202

Fun Link: I work (or worked) at KCCI Facebook
9th & Pleasant Studio
(note the glass weather map lower right)